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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 330.341
Antyptseva E. Y.
Organizational Provision of Mechanism for Motivation-Oriented Management of Financial Development of Enterprise in the Conditions of Knowledge Economy (p. 272 - 276)

The purpose of the article is justification and elaboration of scientific-practical recommendations that can help to improve the mechanism of motivation-oriented management of financial development of the domestic machine-building enterprises. The specifics of formation and use of the mechanism for financial development of enterprise, as well as motivational mechanism, are considered. The need to take into account the motivational component in the process of management of financial development of the machine-building enterprises is substantiated. An integrated mechanism for motivation-oriented management of financial development of the machine-building enterprises has been developed. As result of the study, a definition of the concept of «mechanism of motivation-oriented management of financial development of the machine-building enterprise» has been formulated, which, unlike the existing, is based on a systemic approach and is interpreted as a system of principles, objectives, functions, tools, methods, and measures that define the financial development of enterprise, by taking into account specifics of motivation-oriented management. This allows the enterprise, focusing on increasing the interest of organizational and managerial staff to maximize the financial state at the own level and at the level of enterprise, to develop while maintaining payment capacity and competitiveness in the face of variability of the social-oriented and motivational-oriented society. Direction for further research is adaptation of the proposed mechanism to the practical realities of activities of the machine-building enterprises in order to ensure a high level of efficiency in managerial decisions.
Keywords: machine-building enterprises, mechanism, principles, management, integrated mechanism, local mechanisms, mechanism of motivation-oriented management of the financial development of enterprise
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Antyptseva Elena Yu. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Antyptseva, Elena Yu. (2015) “Organizational Provision of Mechanism for Motivation-Oriented Management of Financial Development of Enterprise in the Conditions of Knowledge Economy.” Business Inform 2:272–276.

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