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Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
UDC 661.65
Volga V. A.
International Models and Technologies of Microfinance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (p. 209 - 216)

The article is aimed at comparative analysis of the internationally recognized models as well as tested, modified and adapted to national circumstances technologies of microfinance, identification of opportunities for using them in developing a national model. In the analysis, systematizing and synthesis of scientists' works on issues of developing and establishing the small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) in Ukraine, possibilities of interaction of commercial banks and microfinance institutions (MFI) in the terms of individual national microfinance models («american», «german» and mixed), systems and methods of evaluation and risk management in the implementation of microcredit, features of transformation of MFI with various ownership forms, were disclosed. As result of the study has been proven that among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the most effective (and acceptable for Ukraine) are the models of microcrediting SMB in Poland and Hungary. Special attention deserves as well the Bolivian model, individual parts of which can be used both in terms of inclusive national financial sector restructuring, and for the forms and methods of State regulation of microfinance institutions. Also has been proven that though nowadays for many Ukrainian investors microcredit and micro-investment are not the primary alternatives to the classic forms of investment, priorities for the state and regulatory bodies of Ukraine in the near future will be balancing the financial sector and improvement of legislation. Further development of the research in the field of simulating the State support for the microfinance sector in Ukraine is connected with the structuring of SMB microcredit risks, implementation of targeted financing to develop the infrastructure of financial market, removal of barriers to microfinance for organizations with various ownership forms.
Keywords: microfinance, microcredit, small and medium-sized businesses, microfinance organization, institute of finance, microfinance model
Bibl.: 15.

Volga Vasiliy A. – Financial Analyst, Financial Company № 1, LLC (35 Olesia Honchara Str., Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Volga, Vasiliy A. (2015) “International Models and Technologies of Microfinance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses.” Business Inform 3:209–216.

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