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Section: Labour economics and social policy
UDC 331.28:331.21/.22:331.105.6
Tsymbaliuk S. O.
New Vectors for Development of Compensation Policy under Conditions of Transformation of Socio-Labor Relations (p. 169 - 174)

The aim of the paper is substantiation of trends inherent to the institution of labor and social-labor relations under conditions of the new economy, their influence on the compensation policy and determination of the main directions for development of compensation policy under conditions of transformation of socio-labor relations. An analysis of the current trends in the economy and society has showed that under their influence the nature and content of the work change, transformation of socio-labor relations comes along: innovation component, flexibility, intellectualization, automation and computerization of labor are increasing, individualization of socio-labor relations is growing, expansion of space for initiative and creative work is going on, focus is shifted from the management of human resources towards management of talents. It has been determined that transformations inherent to the institution of labor and social-labor relations dictate the need to attract and retain competent, talented, innovation-oriented workers, establish socially responsible attitude to work and its results, determine change in the policy of compensation of employees. New directions for development of policy of staff remuneration have been substantiated, which is to shift from the commitments and guarantees in accordance with the labor law and collective agreements towards the market, innovations and social components, use of individualized conditions of pay and providing employees with full compensation packages, balanced on the structure and size of payments.
Keywords: socio-labor relations, transformation, compensation policy, compensation package, individualized conditions of remuneration
Bibl.: 10.

Tsymbaliuk Svitlana O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana O. (2015) “New Vectors for Development of Compensation Policy under Conditions of Transformation of Socio-Labor Relations.” Business Inform 4:169–174.

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