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Section: Education and Science
UDC 37.018
Komarova O. A.
Advancing Education: Development Goals and Priorities (p. 22 - 28)

The article is aimed at reasoning the priorities, goals and principles of the advancing education from the perspective of compliance of structure and quality of training with the current and future production requirements and demands of the labor market. The article substantiates the necessity for development of advancing education on the basis of changing human involvement in the production under conditions of the information society. Such priorities of the advancing education model as: continuity, fundamentalization, openness, versatility, variability, integrity, activity orientation, informatization, and natural conformity have been determined. The conditions of transition to advancing model of education at the macro, meso and micro levels have been identified. It has been substantiated, that a condition for practical implementation of the advancing education model is securing the natural mutual complementing of science and education. Principles of advancing education have been formulated in accordance with the levels of its implementation: the principle of advancing level of the population – at the State level; the principle of advancing training of human resources in the region – at the region level; the principle of advancing self-development of person – at the person level. The role of advancing education in alleviating social tensions at the labor market through mechanisms of updating the social partnership of educational institutions and enterprises and improving the quality of education has been disclosed. Prospect of further research in this direction is development of an organizational-economic mechanism of forming a model of the advancing education.
Keywords: education, advancing education, principles of advancing education, labor market, social partnership
Bibl.: 8.

Komarova Olha A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance and Planning, Kirovograd National Technical University (8 Unіversytetskyi Ave., Kropyvnytskyi, 25006, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Komarova, Olha A. (2015) “Advancing Education: Development Goals and Priorities.” Business Inform 4:22–28.

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