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Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
UDC 661.65
Dashkuev M. A.
Present Process of Integrating the Transport-Logistics System of Ukraine into the European Subregional Space (p. 133 - 140)

The article is aimed to analyze the development of the market of transport and logistics services as well as infrastructure of the transport sector, the present process of integrating the transport-logistics system of Ukraine into the European subregional space. In analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific papers about Ukraine's participation in the functioning of the international transport corridors (ITC), possibilities of interoperability of Ukraine and the EU in this field were considered. It has been proved that at the present stage only integration of the transport system of Ukraine in the trans-European transport network by bringing it into conformity with the norms and standards of the European Union, ensuring effective transport support of foreign economic relations, attracting transit flows of European and Asian countries through the territory of Ukraine is the most effective way to the development of its transport-roads-complex. As result of the study, has been determined that in Ukraine there is still no effective model built on the principles of using the institution of public-private partnership in realization of large investment-innovative projects in the transport sector, as well as on the integration of the national transport system into the European and Asian transport infrastructures, global market for transnational routes services. Today, a special attention needs providing the interoperability, supporting the inter-modality of transport networks, cooperation in using the space transportation systems. Further research may be undertaken in development of practical directions for implementation of the Plan of action for the transport development of the neighborhood region, which was submitted to the EC of the EU in 2011, and the activities contemplated by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
Keywords: transport-logistic system, logistics service, transport sector, international transport corridor, transport-and-roads-complex, transport infrastructure
Bibl.: 13.

Dashkuev Magomed A. – Applicant, Department of International Business, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (36/1 Yuriia Illienka Str., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Dashkuev, Magomed A. (2015) “Present Process of Integrating the Transport-Logistics System of Ukraine into the European Subregional Space.” Business Inform 5:133–140.

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