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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 65.01
Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnostics of Technical-Technological Base, Organizational Level, Resource and Energy Saving of Enterprise in the Context of Saving of Expense, Zero Defects and Rhythmical Production (p. 178 - 184)

In the article, a system for diagnostics of technical-technological base, organizational level, resource and energy saving has been designed. It has been determined that key business indicators of technical-technological base are the following: 1) the integrated indicator of technical level of production; 2) the integrated indicator of the technological level of production. The business indicators of the integrated indicator of organizational level of production are the following: 1) level of consistency; 2) level of complexity; 3) level of flexibility; 4) level of adaptability; 5) level of proportionality; 6) level of direct flow; 7) level of integration; 8) level of concentration; 9) level of normativity; 10) level of competitiveness; 11) level of automation; 12) level of quantification; 13) level of laws validity at the enterprise; 14) level of stimulation. Diagnostics of resource saving in terms of enterprise production should be carried out according to the following business indicators that define the integral level of resource saving: 1) indicator of the level of influence of resource saving on the logistics organization; 2) indicator of the technical-organizational level of resource saving in terms of production; 3) indicator of the level of use of production resources; 4) indicator of the resource-saving characteristics of commodity products; 5) indicator of the level of influence of enterprise's resource saving on the environment; 6) indicator of the level of financial provision and solvency in terms of resource-saving activities; 7) indicator of the level of influence of resource saving on increase in the number of markets for supplying the products of enterprise. It has been found that the integration level of enterprise's energy saving is determined by: 1) indicator of energy consumption; 2) indicator of the financial situation of enterprise; 3) indicator of investment attractiveness of enterprise; 4) indicator of financing the activities aimed at energy saving. It has been determined that diagnostics of technical-technological base, organizational level, resource and energy saving provides formation of the system of information management in the context of saving of expence, zero defects and rhythmical production of enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise, production, diagnostics, business indicators
Fig.: 1. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 16.

Skrynkovskyy Ruslan M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Business Economy and Information Technology, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Skrynkovskyy, Ruslan M. (2015) “Diagnostics of Technical-Technological Base, Organizational Level, Resource and Energy Saving of Enterprise in the Context of Saving of Expense, Zero Defects and Rhythmical Production.” Business Inform 5:178–184.

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