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Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
UDC 338.43.01/02.075.8/
Bondarevska K. V.
The Conception of the State regulation of the Agrarian-Industrial Complex: a Historical Overview (p. 146 - 152)

The article is aimed to determine the priority components of the conception of the State regulation of the agrarian-industrial complex in the light of historical experience. The historical aspects of the State regulation of the agrarian economy sector have been considered, bearing in mind the theoretical and practical experience of the past years, which will be useful for Ukraine, in order to shape effective socio-economic relations in the sphere of the agrarian-industrial complex; the conceptual directions of the State policy in the field of agricultural production in the context of increasing globalization trends and the European integration vectors of development of Ukraine have been substantiated. As result of the study, the conceptual directions of the State regulation of the agrarian sector in both economic and social terms have been allocated, among which: update of the legislative framework, budget support, tax incentives, adjustable pricing, financial support for innovation and material-technical rearmament, regulation of foreign trade activities, measures to improve the level of employment as well as development of rural areas. Prospect of further research in this direction is substantiation of an effective mechanism for regulation of the socio-economic relations, which represents the balance of market and public instruments with different priorities. It is expedient to take into account both the specific historical conditions and prospects of development of the domestic agricultural sector, as well as the need for a balanced and scientifically based State agrarian policy at the stage of Ukraine's inclusion into the European Community.
Keywords: State regulation, State support, agricultural sector, economic liberalism, new neoclassical synthesis
Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 19.

Bondarevska Kseniia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Social Security and Tax Policy, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Bondarevska, Kseniia V. (2015) “The Conception of the State regulation of the Agrarian-Industrial Complex: a Historical Overview.” Business Inform 8:146–152.

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