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Section: Research Methodology in Economics
UDC 005.21:005.935:339.564
Morhun H. V.
A Methodical Approach to Strategic Controlling of the Export-Import Activity of Enterprise (p. 242 - 248)

The article expounds a methodical approach to strategic controlling of the export-import activity of enterprise, which is scientifically based and takes into account peculiarities of the current economic conditions of enterprises' functioning. It has been proved that strategic controlling should be implemented according to the following stages: 1) to conduct an analysis of the external environment of enterprise; 2) to conduct an analysis of the internal environment of enterprise, which carries out export-import activities; 3) to determine the place of export-import activities within the economic activity; 4) to conduct an analysis of the characteristics of methods of strategic management of the export-import activity of enterprise; 5) to substantiate strategic controlling at the enterprise as a subsystem of strategic management; 6) to form a system of strategic controlling of the export-import activity of enterprise; 7) select both tools and analytical procedures for strategic controlling of the export-import activity of enterprise; 8) to conduct an analysis of efficiency of the export-import activity of enterprise for the purposes of its strategic controlling; 9) to implement the procedure of «purposes – optimization – forecast – fact – deviation»; 10) to develop management decisions regarding the selection of the priority directions of development strategy of the export-import activity of enterprise on the basis of the results of its strategic controlling; 11) to oversee fulfillment of the managerial decisions. This methodical approach provides to technologically implement strategic controlling of export-import activity at the enterprise.
Keywords: strategic controlling, export-import activity, methodical approach, implementation stages, setting the stages
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Morhun Hanna V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics and Business property valuation, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Morhun, Hanna V. (2015) “A Methodical Approach to Strategic Controlling of the Export-Import Activity of Enterprise.” Business Inform 8:242–248.

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