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Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
UDC 334.75
Babyna O. Y., Vlasova V. P.
Economic Mechanism for Determining Concession Fees while Implementing the PPP-Projects for the Commercial Sea Ports of Ukraine (p. 162 - 168)

The article determines that one of the most effective tools for development of commercial sea ports (CSP) of Ukraine is the use of public-private partnership (PPP). For the sea port industry branch, the most common form of PPP is concession. Concessions in the commercial sea ports is used for creating, updating, operation of a port infrastructure object at the expense of private investor. The article takes into consideration the main approaches to determining amounts of concession fees and it has been noted that at the present day there isn't a methodology for determining amounts of concession fees for the port infrastructure objects, which have been available to providing services. An economic mechanism for determining the differential amount of concession fees for the existing port infrastructure objects (brownfield projects) has been elaborated on the basis of investment attractiveness, which takes into account the level of profitability of sea port, efficiency in the use of its assets, solvency, financial sustainability, logistic and capacity for self-development. A differentiated approach to determining amounts of concession fees according to the proposed methodology will help to increase revenues from the CSP with a high average level of investment appeal and attract investor in ports with low investment attractiveness.
Keywords: public-private partnership, commercial sea port, concession, concession fees, coefficient of investment attractiveness
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 19.

Babyna Olena Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Business Logistics and Transport Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Vlasova Valentyna P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Public Management and Administration, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Babyna, Olena Ye., and Vlasova, Valentyna P. (2015) “Economic Mechanism for Determining Concession Fees while Implementing the PPP-Projects for the Commercial Sea Ports of Ukraine.” Business Inform 2:162–168.

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