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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 331.104
Sokolovskyi S. A., Naumenko M. O., Cherkashyna M. V.
Improvement of the Labor Resources Management of Enterprise (p. 288 - 292)

The processes of integration and globalization, which are currently occurring in Ukraine, allow to speak not only of their innovative orientation, but also of the transformation of factors, determining the effectiveness of these processes. The human and intellectual resources are one of the key factors whose influence cannot be overestimated. This leads to the growing with each year attention to the management of people, to improving its efficiency and effectiveness and identifies new priorities, as reflected in the development of theoretical-methodological aspects of the labor resources management. Labor resources are one of the key factors of production of any kind of goods and services along with investment capital – fixed and working assets. It is the labor resources that without exaggeration can be considered the biggest capital of any enterprise. In conjunction, the whole organization and management activity (above all, the motivational part) aims to enhance the internal resources of workers and to use them in the most effective way. Thus, presently it is hard to overstate the actuality of researching the issues related to the optimization of the process of staff management. In the article has been substantiated the necessity of introduction of new principles and methods for development of a strategy of enterprise's labor resources management.
Keywords: labor resources management, human resources capacity, staff management, management strategy
Bibl.: 12.

Sokolovskyi Serhii A. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Deputy Head of the Department, The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (3 Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Square, Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine)
Naumenko Mariia O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management and the War Economy, The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (3 Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Square, Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Cherkashyna Maia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management and the War Economy, The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (3 Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Square, Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Sokolovskyi, Serhii A., Naumenko, Mariia O., and Cherkashyna, Maia V. (2015) “Improvement of the Labor Resources Management of Enterprise.” Business Inform 3:288–292.

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