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The Role of Science and Education in the Formation of the «Knowledge Economy»
Kuznetsova M. A.

Kuznetsova, Maryna A. (2021) “The Role of Science and Education in the Formation of the «Knowledge Economy».” Business Inform 4:6–11.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concepts of Crisis and Anti-crisis Management of Enterprise
Shumilo O. S., Savchenko N. O.

Shumilo, Olha S., and Savchenko, Natalia O. (2021) “Analyzing the Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concepts of Crisis and Anti-crisis Management of Enterprise.” Business Inform 4:11–16.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Conceptual and Methodological Approaches to Identification of Typological and Logical-Structural Characteristics of Priority Sectors of the National Economy
Kunytska-Iliash M. V., Berezivskyi Y. P.

Kunytska-Iliash, Marta V., and Berezivskyi, Yaroslav P. (2021) “Conceptual and Methodological Approaches to Identification of Typological and Logical-Structural Characteristics of Priority Sectors of the National Economy.” Business Inform 4:17–23.

Section: Globalization Processes in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Dualistic Approach to a Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of Shadowed Economic Activity
Herasymova Y. O.

Herasymova, Yanina O. (2021) “Dualistic Approach to a Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of Shadowed Economic Activity.” Business Inform 4:23–29.

Section: Globalization Processes in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Trends in the Development of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Goods in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kondratenko A. I., Babmindra D. I., Slobodianyk I. M.

Kondratenko, Anatolii I., Babmindra, Dmytro I., and Slobodianyk, Iryna M. (2021) “Trends in the Development of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Goods in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Business Inform 4:30–36.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Main Features of the Modern World Market of Insurance Services
Drymalovska K. V., Kyryliuk R. O.

Drymalovska, Khrystyna V., and Kyryliuk, Ruslana O. (2021) “The Main Features of the Modern World Market of Insurance Services.” Business Inform 4:36–41.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Features of Ukraine’s Trade Cooperation in the Current Conditions of Globalization
Ptashchenko O. V., Vovk V. A.

Ptashchenko, Olena V., and Vovk, Volodymyr A. (2021) “Features of Ukraine’s Trade Cooperation in the Current Conditions of Globalization.” Business Inform 4:42–47.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Development of Alternative (Clean) Energy Sources: The EU Experience
Domashenko M. D., Shkola V. Y., Troyan M. Y., Domashenko V. S.

Domashenko, Maryna D. et al. (2021) “Development of Alternative (Clean) Energy Sources: The EU Experience.” Business Inform 4:48–53.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Evolution of the Bankruptcy Legislation in Ukraine
Belikova T. V., Vorobiova A. А.

Belikova, Tetiana V., and Vorobiova, Anastasia А. (2021) “Evolution of the Bankruptcy Legislation in Ukraine.” Business Inform 4:54–59.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Researching the Topical Issues of Competence Approach in Pharmaceutical Education
Kozyrieva O. V., Shut O. Y., Svitlychna K. S.

Kozyrieva, Olena V., Shut, Oksana Yu., and Svitlychna, Karina S. (2021) “Researching the Topical Issues of Competence Approach in Pharmaceutical Education.” Business Inform 4:59–65.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Modeling of the System of Evaluation of Retail Enterprises on the Basis of KPI and Process Approach
Podskrebko O. S., Ivanchenko N. O., Tkachenko V. V.

Podskrebko, Oleksandr S., Ivanchenko, Nadiia O., and Tkachenko, Victoriia V. (2021) “Modeling of the System of Evaluation of Retail Enterprises on the Basis of KPI and Process Approach.” Business Inform 4:66–72.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Applied Aspects of Industrial Production Research in Ukraine
Feshchur R. V., Kolinko N. O., Shyshkovskyi S. V., Skvortsov D. I.

Feshchur, Roman V. et al. (2021) “Applied Aspects of Industrial Production Research in Ukraine.” Business Inform 4:73–81.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Impact of Barriers on the Disproportionate Regional Development: A Review and Analysis
Savchyn I. Z.

Savchyn, Iryna Z. (2021) “The Impact of Barriers on the Disproportionate Regional Development: A Review and Analysis.” Business Inform 4:82–90.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Transformation of Regional Management in the Context of Globalization to Ensure Sustainable Development of Ukrainian Regions
Bоhuslаvskа S. І.

Bоhuslаvskа, Svitlana І. (2021) “Transformation of Regional Management in the Context of Globalization to Ensure Sustainable Development of Ukrainian Regions.” Business Inform 4:90–97.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Adaptive Development of Regional Economic System Business Entities in the Conditions of Digitalization
Topalova I. A., Makoveieva O. V.

Topalova, Iryna A., and Makoveieva, Olena V. (2021) “Adaptive Development of Regional Economic System Business Entities in the Conditions of Digitalization.” Business Inform 4:97–103.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Improving the Mechanism of Strategic Management of Structural Transformations of the Economy of Cities of Regional Significance in Lviv Region
Babets I. H.

Babets, Iryna H. (2021) “Improving the Mechanism of Strategic Management of Structural Transformations of the Economy of Cities of Regional Significance in Lviv Region.” Business Inform 4:103–113.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Trends in the Development of the Solar Energy Generation Market of Ukraine
Iakovenko V. S., Harkusha V. V.

Iakovenko, Vladyslav S., and Harkusha, Vladyslava V. (2021) “Trends in the Development of the Solar Energy Generation Market of Ukraine.” Business Inform 4:114–119.

Section: Industrial Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Ukrainian Retail Market: The State and Development Trends
Kashperska A. I.

Kashperska, Anastasiia I. (2021) “Ukrainian Retail Market: The State and Development Trends.” Business Inform 4:120–127.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the Leisure Industry Development in Ukraine and Abroad
Lazebnyk I. O., Korepanova K. O.

Lazebnyk, Iuliia O., and Korepanova, Kseniia O. (2021) “Analyzing the Leisure Industry Development in Ukraine and Abroad.” Business Inform 4:128–134.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Theoretical Foundations of Ensuring a Balanced Development of Railway Transport Services in the Context of Digitalization
Obruch H. V.

Obruch, Hanna V. (2021) “The Theoretical Foundations of Ensuring a Balanced Development of Railway Transport Services in the Context of Digitalization.” Business Inform 4:135–141.

Section: Economics of Transport and Communications

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Increasing the Competitiveness of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ternopil Region in the Context of European Integration
Zvarych R. Y., Kukharska M. Т.

Zvarych, Roman Ye., and Kukharska, Mariia Т. (2021) “Increasing the Competitiveness of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ternopil Region in the Context of European Integration.” Business Inform 4:142–147.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Waste Management in the Circular Economy
Zvarych R. Y., Kril Z. Z.

Zvarych, Roman Ye., and Kril, Zoriana Z. (2021) “Waste Management in the Circular Economy.” Business Inform 4:148–153.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Assessing the Intangible Assets
Fomina O. V., Avhustоva O. O., Shushakova I. K.

Fomina, Olena V., Avhustоva, Olena O., and Shushakova, Iryna K. (2021) “Assessing the Intangible Assets.” Business Inform 4:154–160.

Section: Accounting and Auditing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Digital Component of Modern Audit of Activities of Business Entities
Kovalevska N. S., Nesterenko I. V., Sokolova E. B., Karbivnycha T. V.

Kovalevska, Nadiia S. et al. (2021) “The Digital Component of Modern Audit of Activities of Business Entities.” Business Inform 4:161–168.

Section: Accounting and Auditing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the Methods and Organizational Bases of Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements
Pelekh U. V., Tenyukh Z. I., Khocha N. V.

Pelekh, Ulyana V., Tenyukh, Zoryana I., and Khocha, Nadiia V. (2021) “Analyzing the Methods and Organizational Bases of Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements.” Business Inform 4:168–175.

Section: Accounting and Auditing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Objects and Subjects of Operational Control at Industrial Enterprises
Starenka O. M.

Starenka, Olha M. (2021) “Objects and Subjects of Operational Control at Industrial Enterprises.” Business Inform 4:176–182.

Section: Accounting and Auditing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Features of Ukraine’s Stock Market Integration Into the World Stock Market
Shuba O. А.

Shuba, Olena А. (2021) “Features of Ukraine’s Stock Market Integration Into the World Stock Market.” Business Inform 4:183–189.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Medium-Term Budget Planning in Ukraine: The Problems and Prospects for Implementation
Nechyporenko A. V., Dudchenko V. M.

Nechyporenko, Alina V., and Dudchenko, Viktoriia M. (2021) “Medium-Term Budget Planning in Ukraine: The Problems and Prospects for Implementation.” Business Inform 4:190–195.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Main Stages of Normative Regulation of Financial Control Over Transfer Pricing in Ukraine
Kuzheliev M. O., Syvolap I. M.

Kuzheliev, Mykhailo O., and Syvolap, Iryna M. (2021) “The Main Stages of Normative Regulation of Financial Control Over Transfer Pricing in Ukraine.” Business Inform 4:196–204.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Current State and Prospects of Banking Innovations in the Context of Improving the Quality of Customer Service
Volokhata V. Y.

Volokhata, Viktoriia Ye. (2021) “The Current State and Prospects of Banking Innovations in the Context of Improving the Quality of Customer Service.” Business Inform 4:204–209.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Conceptual Principles of Tax Planning of Enterprises in the Context of Fourth Industrial Revolution
Hlushchenko Y. I., Korohodova O. O., Moiseienko T. Y., Chernenko N. O.

Hlushchenko, Yaroslava I. et al. (2021) “The Conceptual Principles of Tax Planning of Enterprises in the Context of Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Business Inform 4:210–216.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Excise Tax on Fuel as a Source of Local Self-Government Budgets in the Context of Budget Decentralization
Paliichuk T. V.

Paliichuk, Tetiana V. (2021) “Excise Tax on Fuel as a Source of Local Self-Government Budgets in the Context of Budget Decentralization.” Business Inform 4:216–228.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Simplified Taxation System as a Microeconomic Fiscal Regulator
Loboda N. O., Chabaniuk O. М., Mosolova Y. O.

Loboda, Nataliia O., Chabaniuk, Odarka М., and Mosolova, Yuliia O. (2021) “Simplified Taxation System as a Microeconomic Fiscal Regulator.” Business Inform 4:228–234.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Assessing the Influence of Internal Environment Factors on the Formation of Financial Results of Industrial Enterprises
Vlasova N. O., Piatak T. V.

Vlasova, Nataliya O., and Piatak, Tetiana V. (2021) “Assessing the Influence of Internal Environment Factors on the Formation of Financial Results of Industrial Enterprises.” Business Inform 4:235–243.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Factors of Influence on the Development of Voluntary Health Insurance
Kondratenko D. V., Hromakova V. V.

Kondratenko, Diana V., and Hromakova, Viktoriia V. (2021) “The Factors of Influence on the Development of Voluntary Health Insurance.” Business Inform 4:243–249.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Insurance Protection of Agricultural Producers of Ukraine: A Review of Insurance Companies and Products
Rubtsova N. M., Radchenko N. H., Trusova N. V.

Rubtsova, Natalia M., Radchenko, Nataliia H., and Trusova, Natalia V. (2021) “Insurance Protection of Agricultural Producers of Ukraine: A Review of Insurance Companies and Products.” Business Inform 4:249–256.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Behavioral Approach in Management
Matvieiev V. V., Matvieieva O. M., Shchepina T. H.

Matvieiev, Viacheslav V., Matvieieva, Olha M., and Shchepina, Tetiana H. (2021) “Behavioral Approach in Management.” Business Inform 4:257–261.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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On the Issue of Identification of Urgent Instruments of Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprises
Kuzmin O. Y., Yurynets O. V., Doroshkevych K. O., Prokopenko I. V.

Kuzmin, Oleh Ye. et al. (2021) “On the Issue of Identification of Urgent Instruments of Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprises.” Business Inform 4:262–270.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Values Management as the Main Element of Creating a Corporate Culture of Enterprise
Klochko V. M., Bogoyavlensky O. V., Postolna N. O.

Klochko, Vitalii M., Bogoyavlensky, Oleg V., and Postolna, Nataliya O. (2021) “Values Management as the Main Element of Creating a Corporate Culture of Enterprise.” Business Inform 4:270–275.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Evolution of Approaches to Risk Management in Organizations
Zoidze D. R., Gubarev O. O.

Zoidze, Diana R., and Gubarev, Oleksandr O. (2021) “Evolution of Approaches to Risk Management in Organizations.” Business Inform 4:276–285.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Instrumentarium for Sustainable Development of an Enterprise in Conditions of Crisis
Pohorelov Y. S., Kozachenko G. V.

Pohorelov, Yurii S., and Kozachenko, Ganna V. (2021) “The Instrumentarium for Sustainable Development of an Enterprise in Conditions of Crisis.” Business Inform 4:285–293.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Formation of a Management System for the Innovatively Oriented Development of Enterprises: The Theoretical Aspects
Shelest T. M.

Shelest, Tetiana M. (2021) “Formation of a Management System for the Innovatively Oriented Development of Enterprises: The Theoretical Aspects.” Business Inform 4:294–301.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Value Dimension of the Employer Brand: Influencing the Staff Engagement
Voloboieva I. O., Kravchuk O. I., Varshava D. V.

Voloboieva, Iryna O., Kravchuk, Oksana I., and Varshava, Daryna V. (2021) “The Value Dimension of the Employer Brand: Influencing the Staff Engagement.” Business Inform 4:302–309.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Formation of Personnel Potential of an Enterprise Through the Development of Creative Abilities of the Staff
Tanasiuk I. M., Kirsho S. M.

Tanasiuk, Iryna M., and Kirsho, Svitllana M. (2021) “Formation of Personnel Potential of an Enterprise Through the Development of Creative Abilities of the Staff.” Business Inform 4:310–315.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Internet Communications Policy
Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M., Paleshko Y. S.

Kubetska, Olha M., Ostapenko, Tetiana M., and Paleshko, Yana S. (2021) “Internet Communications Policy.” Business Inform 4:315–322.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Circular Economy as a Prerequisite for the Formation of Innovative Platforms in the Sustainable Development of Entrepreneurs
Shkurenko O. V.

Shkurenko, Olga V. (2021) “Circular Economy as a Prerequisite for the Formation of Innovative Platforms in the Sustainable Development of Entrepreneurs.” Business Inform 4:323–330.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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