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Liburkina L. M.


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Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
UDC 658.012.32 (477)
Viatkina T. G.
Scenario-based Approach to Determine the Effectiveness of Strategic Material Management of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 168 - 174)

The article holds the feasibility study of the utilization of material resources of the enterprises in the poultry industry, depending on the strategy and the proposed forecast scenarios. Three possible scenarios of development were selected for the study: pessimistic, realistic and optimistic. The main difference between the scenarios is the cost of raw materials for the manufacture of feed. In case of the worst case scenario the rise in raw material costs is projected to reach 1.5 times above base line value. For a realistic scenario – an increase of 1.25 times, and the optimistic scenario – 1.1 times. Plus a possible change in the discount rate is taken into account – the indicator which equilibrates the value of money in time in both directions – increase and decrease. The analysis by the method of expert estimates suggests that the discount rate in the medium term can fluctuate within the meaning of 15 - 30%. In assessing the various options of investment projects as the discount rate its extreme values were adopted, as well as the median level. Using the options scenarios is suitable for each situation, which is most suitable to the main strategic objectives of the company for the development of complex use of resources and improvement of its effectiveness.
Keywords: material resources, business strategy, the effectiveness of the use of material resources, scenario of development, investment project
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 10. Bibl.: 13.

Viatkina Tеtiana G. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Economics enterprises and human resource management, Luhansk National Agrarian University (23 Svobody Str., Sloviansk, Donetsk region, 84122, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Viatkina, Tеtiana G. (2014) “Scenario-based Approach to Determine the Effectiveness of Strategic Material Management of Agricultural Enterprises.” Business Inform 6:168–174.

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