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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 33
Tkachenko S. A.
Enigmatic Concept of Building a Functional Structure Subsystem of Economic and Analytical Information Processing in the Functional Development of Special-purpose Control Systems of Industrial Enterprises and Scientific-production Associations (p. 279 - 283)

The purpose of the article is reduced to the fact that for the first time a vision of building a functional structure of a subsystem of economic and analytical information processing in the functional development of control systems of special purpose industrial enterprises and scientific and industrial associations of the country was set out. Theoretical research of the papers were performed and practical experience in creating functional management systems developed special purpose industrial enterprises and scientific-production associations in a number of areas of engineering and shipbuilding suggests that the construction of a block diagram of the functional structure of the subsystem of economic and analytical information processing should be based on a priori knowledge and reduced, in fact, to adapt its structure to the a priori stated objectives. The above concept of building a functional structure subsystem economic and analytical information processing in the functional development of special-purpose control systems of industrial enterprises and scientific-production associations, as practice shows, best meets the functional requirements of the object approach, from which it follows that each economic-analytical task, on the one hand, should serve the function of the organic component of economic analysis, and on the other – at the same time be part of a specific functional management unit with a full loop control system: planning, accounting, economic analysis, regulation. Among the prospects for further research in this area of particular relevance, in our view, different questions related to the provision of comprehensive characterization of the quantitative composition of the tasks of economic and analytical information processing and its main units and other complexes.
Keywords: concept subsystem economic and analytical information processing, functional structure
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Tkachenko Serhii A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Acting Rector, International Technological University «Mykolaiv Polytechnic» (2a Robocha Str., Mykolaiv, 54029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tkachenko, Serhii A. (2014) “Enigmatic Concept of Building a Functional Structure Subsystem of Economic and Analytical Information Processing in the Functional Development of Special-purpose Control Systems of Industrial Enterprises and Scientific-production Associations.” Business Inform 6:279–283.

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