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Section: Industrial Economics
UDC 621.31:330.15
Abakumenko O. V., Lukiashko P. O.
The Provision for Resources of Electric Power Industry in Ukraine: Structure and Trends (p. 132 - 138)

The article, on the basis of an assessment of the statistical information, identifies the major trends of provision for fuel resources in Ukrainian electric power industry. In particular, structure of electricity production was evaluated in terms of different types of power plants as well as import of the appropriate fuels in Ukraine by the volume, price, and supplying countries. Conducting an analysis has allowed to identify changes in the structure of imports of the basic energy sources in terms of supplying countries. In particular, positions of the Russian Federation as a fuel importer in Ukraine were strengthened until 2013. During the period of 2014-2015, structure of fuel suppliers in Ukraine undergone significant changes. They were the most notable on the natural gas market, where nearly 2/3 of the Russian imports were successfully replaced through supply from European countries. The diversification of the energy sources imports to Ukraine as a whole had a positive effect on their price parameters (in monetary terms) and must be deepened in the following periods. At the same time, the overall dependence on imports in the Ukrainian energy sector has increased due to the loss of the coal industry and the corresponding increase in imports of coal.
Keywords: electric power industry, coal, natural gas, nuclear fuel
Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 12.

Abakumenko Olha V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Chernihiv National University of Technology (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Lukiashko Pavlo O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Chernihiv National University of Technology (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Abakumenko, Olha V., and Lukiashko, Pavlo O. (2017) “The Provision for Resources of Electric Power Industry in Ukraine: Structure and Trends.” Business Inform 1:132–138.

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