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Section: Economics of Trade and Services
UDC 338.482.22:640.43
Orlova O. M.
The Topical Problems of the Hotel and Tourism Business in Ukraine (p. 153 - 160)

The article is aimed at studying the current status of the tourism sphere of Ukraine, analyzing activities of enterprises of hotel industry, and defining the main problems in development of the hotel and tourism business in Ukraine. The basic processes of formation and development of the hotel and tourism business at the national and regional levels were considered through the prism of the decline of tourist flows, costs for services on creation of the tourism and hotel products and services, reduction in the collective accommodation facilities, changes in the dynamics of structure of the exports and imports of services. Vulnerability of the Ukrainian market of tourism services as to the impact of different factors both of the internal and of the external environment has been specified. By using built trend lines it was proved that in 2016 growth in the number of citizens of Ukraine who will travel abroad, and, conversely, reduce in the number of foreign citizens, who visited Ukraine, was expected. It should accordingly impact the dynamics of the indicators, which characterize progress of processes of development of the hotel and tourism business. It has been proved that preventing most problems, as well as solving the actual ones, can be possible by using the business analyzing technologies that provide making effective management decisions and finding new growth points.
Keywords: hotel and tourism business, problems, growth points, tourism product, collective accommodation facilities
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 11.

Orlova Olena M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning, Carpathian Institute. named after M.Grushevskyi of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (30 Vynnychenka Str., Lvіv, 79008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Orlova, Olena M. (2017) “The Topical Problems of the Hotel and Tourism Business in Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:153–160.

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