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Section: Research Methodology in Economics
UDC 658.821:439.02
Kravchuk I. A.
The Prospective Vectors of the Theoretical-Methodological Researches on Formation of the Production Value Added (p. 281 - 284)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the prospective vectors of the theoretical-methodological researches on formation of the production value added. In the world’s scientific schools, the issue of formation of value added is being considered for years and its methodological substantiation is being implemented in planes of its identification with the resulting factor of an enterprise management model, the result of economic processes in the chain of value creation, a set of specific actions (operations) at every stage of the «movement» of production from raw materials to the finished goods. A hierarchical approach to the theoretical-methodological substantiation of formation of value added should be used in the context of matching the stages of creating, adding, reproduction of value added with the local, regional, and national levels of the country’s economic system. The process approach should be used when examining aspects of the intrasectoral, wholesale, and retail pricing, formation of logistics chains and systems of the vertical integration of enterprises. A substantiation of formation of value added should be the implemented with matching the limits of conceptual explorations and the content of the context of research within these limits. An evaluation of efficiency of formation of value added should be considered as a comparison of the results of processes in which it was obtained with the resources, which were spent on its formation.
Keywords: value added, formation of value added, stages of formation of value added, hierarchical and process approaches
Bibl.: 20.

Kravchuk Igor A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (7 Staryi bulvar, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kravchuk, Igor A. (2017) “The Prospective Vectors of the Theoretical-Methodological Researches on Formation of the Production Value Added.” Business Inform 1:281–284.

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