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Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
UDC 658.821:637.134
Pavlovskyy D. V.
Consumer Motivations for Dairy Products and Growing Competitiveness of the Milk Processing Industry (p. 179 - 184)

The objective of the article consists in studying consumer motivations for dairy products and determination of the top-priority factors resulting in growing competitiveness of the milk processing industry. As a result of studying and generalizing scientific research of numerous scientists, methodological approaches and practical experience in conducting a sociological sample questionnaire survey are systemized, the author’s own view of a solution to the problem of growth in the competitiveness of the milk processing industry is proposed. A sample survey held among 300 respondents of Zhytomyr region concerning consumer preferences for dairy products has shown that 14% of respondents buy dairy products on a daily basis, and the largest number of respondents, 25%, buy them occasionally. While selecting dairy products, most respondents first of all pay attention to the expiry date – 42%, and the price – 19%. The most frequently purchased product is milk, the second position belongs to hard cheese, followed by kefir, fermented baked milk, and ice-cream. Obvious preference is given to the trademark “Rud”. The majority (61%) of respondents regard dairy products of Ukrainian manufacturers competitive. According to 19% of respondents, the most constraining factor of development of the milk processing industry is insufficient quantity and quality of dairy raw materials. Other deterrents include a low paying capacity of the population, flawed organization of milk reception from the population, unstable economic development of the country, insufficient use of marketing measures. The highest rating among factors stimulating growth in effectiveness and competitveness of the milk processing industry belongs to improvement of quality of dairy raw materials, whereas marketing measures and use of the Internet are also quite highly rated. Prospects for future studies in this field consist in determination of new priorities in the preferences of dairy product consumers and ways of increasing competitiveness of the studied area due to the possibility of Ukraine’s entry into European markets and prospects of EU membership.
Keywords: dairy products, milk processing industry, consumer motivations, competitiveness, questionnaire survey
Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Pavlovskyy Denys V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Organization of Production and Information Systems, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (7 Staryi bulvar, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Pavlovskyy, Denys V. (2014) “Consumer Motivations for Dairy Products and Growing Competitiveness of the Milk Processing Industry.” Business Inform 9:179–184.

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