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Section: Regional Economy
UDC 332.14:334.012.64:504.05
Bondarenko S. A.
Analytical Estimation of Dynamics of Innovation Activities of Industrial Enterprises in the Odessa Region to Identify Opportunities for Ecologization of the Region (p. 77 - 85)

The article is aimed at an analytical estimation of dynamics of innovation activities of industrial enterprises of Odessa region to identify opportunities for ecologization of the region. The current state of innovation activity and innovation activeness of industrial enterprises in the Odessa region has been analyzed, which allowed to identify the main problems and key obstacles to implementing environmental innovation for ecologization of the region. It has been determined that the main problem is the undeliberate policy of financing the innovation activities of industrial enterprises. In addition, State governance remains in critical condition regarding the ability of regulating the innovation activities in the sphere of environmental management. It has been specified that the mechanisms for stimulating the environmental innovation are not effective in the Odessa region, that's why environmental innovation at the industrial enterprises are scarcely implemented. The relevance of supplement of the regional policy with effective incentive mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the conception of environmentally sustainable development at the level of entities of the real sector of economy has been substantiated. The main directions for implementing the policy to ensure the ecologization process in the region have been proposed.
Keywords: ecologization of region, environmental innovations, innovation activity, innovation activities of industrial enterprises, governance, environmental-innovation activity, State environmental innovation policy, region
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Bondarenko Svitlana A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Department of the Market Mechanisms and Structures, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine (29 Frantsuzskyy bulvar, Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Bondarenko, Svitlana A. (2015) “Analytical Estimation of Dynamics of Innovation Activities of Industrial Enterprises in the Odessa Region to Identify Opportunities for Ecologization of the Region.” Business Inform 7:77–85.

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