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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 334.716:005.336.4
Semenova V. G.
Stages of the Enterprises' Intellectual Property Management, Based on the Process Approach (p. 145 - 149)

In the world practice, at the modern enterprises, use of process approach in the management of enterprises' activities comes into widespread acceptance. This contributes to the further restructuring of enterprise, focusing on the strategic directions of activity, selection of prospective processes in the activity, destroying bureaucratic barriers towards the implementation of individual processes and optimizing the use of resources. The article is aimed to determine the main stages of enterprises' intellectual property management based on the process-oriented approach. The established objective has determined the need to solve the following tasks: determining the main stages of enterprises' intellectual property management; identifying features of forming each of the stages. The common approaches to allocate stages of process management have been examined. Resulted from the carried out study, stages of enterprises' intellectual property management have been allocated using the process-oriented approach, which include: determining the goal for the process of formation of enterprises' intellectual property; appointment of a «process owner»; planning resources necessary to ensure the implementation of certain process; defining relationships and interactions with other processes in the enterprise; regulating processes and elaborating documentation; definition of a system of performance indicators of process implementation; designing a schedule for control measures; analysis of deviations from the planned level; formation of a system of measures for the further improvement of the process of formation of enterprises' intellectual property. Essence of each of the allocated stages together with their features has been considered.
Keywords: intellectual property, management of intellectual property, stages of management, management efficiency
Bibl.: 18.

Semenova Valentina G. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics of Enterprise and Business Organization, Odesa National Economic University (8 Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Semenova, Valentina G. (2015) “Stages of the Enterprises' Intellectual Property Management, Based on the Process Approach.” Business Inform 6:145–149.

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