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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 65.01
Skrynkovskyy R. M., Pawlowski G., Pyrozhak Y. K., Tomiuk I. M.
The Diagnostics of the System for Strategic Cost Management of Enterprise (p. 248 - 253)

The article is aimed at formation and development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of diagnostics of the system for strategic cost management of enterprise within the framework of theory and practice of economics and management of enterprise. It has been determined that this diagnostics is the process of identification, analysis and assessment of the system for strategic cost management of enterprise based on the business indicators in order to measure, control and accounting costs of enterprise in the conditions of economic alternatives to achieve the desired effect, aimed at ensuring competitive advantages of production with optimal costs. It has been determined that the level of efficiency of innovation costs of enterprise is one of the key business indicators in the sphere of diagnosing the system for strategic cost management of enterprise. Prospect for further research in this scientific direction is development of a system of purposes of the polycriterial economic diagnostics of enterprises taking into consideration the diagnostics of the system for strategic cost management of enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise, resources, costs, system for strategic cost management, efficiency of innovation costs, economic diagnostics
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Skrynkovskyy Ruslan M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Business Economy and Information Technology, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Pawlowski Grzegorz – Master of Sciences (Economics), Company «Zaklad Handlowo-Uslugowy BHP» (17 Kostrzynska Str., Gorzyca, 69-113, Poland)
Email: [email protected]
Pyrozhak Yevhen K. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Business Economy and Information Technology, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Tomiuk Ihor M. – Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Skrynkovskyy, Ruslan M. et al. (2016) “The Diagnostics of the System for Strategic Cost Management of Enterprise.” Business Inform 12:248–253.

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