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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 339.187.2:657.1
Poklonska L. S.
A Methodical Approach to Determining Results of Economic Management of Enterprises as to Developing Promotional Strategies for the Technical and Industrial Products (p. 215 - 225)

The article is aimed at elaborating a methodical approach to determining results of economic managing of enterprises as to developing promotional strategies for the technical and industrial products. The indicators of economic management results as to development of promotional strategies of the machine-building enterprises have been allocated in the view of: efficiency; financial viability; costs relative to promotional strategies; innovativeness of the technical and industrial products. Using cluster analysis, dynamics of structural changes were examined at 19 machine-building enterprises, which were studied in terms of the criterion of economic management results during the period of 2010-2014. To determine the internal factors of economic management results of enterprises as well as of cause-effect relations in the system of describing indicators, clustering of indicators for the totality of the enterprises examined has been analyzed. On the basis of the computed models, a cognitive schema of the relations between significant indicators for the economic management results of enterprises, which takes into account cause-effect relations, has been built; an integral indicator has been calculated. According to the research results, the main stages of a methodical approach to determining results of economic management of enterprises as to developing promotional strategies for the technical and industrial products have been formulated
Keywords: promotional strategy, technical and industrial products, results of economic management of enterprises, machine-building enterprise
Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 12.

Poklonska Liliia S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics, the Organization and Planning of the Company, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Poklonska, Liliia S. (2015) “A Methodical Approach to Determining Results of Economic Management of Enterprises as to Developing Promotional Strategies for the Technical and Industrial Products.” Business Inform 12:215–225.

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