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Section: Innovative Processes
UDC 388.45
Kintoryak Y. N., Porohnya V. M., , Semenova L. S.
Some Aspects of the System Approach to the Processes of Functioning of Intellectual Capital of a Higher Educational Establishment (p. 90 - 95)

The article studies the process of knowledge digestion by college students as a component of the intellectual capital. Instrument of the study is a system approach that allows a complex study of the process of knowledge digestion in a college. The article conducts analysis and summarises results with the help of system thinking, which activates the system analysis mechanism. The system view on the process of knowledge digestion by college students has its positive sides: it opens an integral character of the process of knowledge digestion, which allows explanation of a number of issues of quality of education and formulation of new directions and problems of work; the mechanism of applied methods of study also develops. Prospects of this study is as follows: further formation of the study mechanism; identification of the fields of study and volume of work; development of new methods and formation of messages to other sciences in this direction.
Keywords: intellectual capital, system approach, system thinking, process of knowledge digestion
Fig.: 1. Formulae: 10. Bibl.: 19.

Kintoryak Yekaterina N. – Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University (8 Uchbovyi Lane, Sіmferopol, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Porohnya Vasyl M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economics, Classic Private University (70B Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporіzhzhia, 69002, Ukraine)

Semenova Larisa S. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Economics and Management (21/4 Sevastopolska Str., Sіmferopol, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Kintoryak, Yekaterina N. et al. (2013) “Some Aspects of the System Approach to the Processes of Functioning of Intellectual Capital of a Higher Educational Establishment.” Business Inform 8:90–95.

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