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Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
UDC 330.342 (043.3)
Oreshniak V. L.
Structural Changes in the Ukrainian Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development (p. 28 - 33)

The issue of protection and preservation of environment both for the current and for the future generations is very sharp under modern conditions of development of the world economy. It is evident that it is possible to solve the problem of development of the humanity and its future by means of a search for new theoretical knowledge, formation of a new outlook and sense of life, which would become in future a strong basis for implementation of necessary practical recommendations into life. It is quite clear that appearance of new theoretical concepts of economic development takes place in the process of analysis and deep comprehension of shortcomings and advantages of existing scientific theories. The concept of sustainable development became such a new economic theory. Establishment of sustainable development depends on the structure of economy and nature of changes in it. The process of study of the branch structure of the national economy and shifts that take place in the context of its three sectors has a special significance for development of Ukraine, since it points out the optimal way of transition to the concept of sustainable development. Structural shifts that took place in economy (in the context of 3 sectors) during 1991 – 2011 testify to the fact that the Ukrainian economy is at the post-industrial stage and at the initial stage of establishment of sustainable development. Main shifts in the structure of the national economy in the course of movement along the way of economic development are reduction of specific weight of agro-industrial and industrial sectors of economy and growth of the share of the service sector. However, shifts in the structure of the Ukrainian economy are still slow and not very efficient.
Keywords: sustainable development, structure of economy, structural shifts
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Oreshniak Viktoriia L. – Assistant, Department of International Economics, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (11 Soborna Str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Oreshniak, Viktoriia L. (2013) “Structural Changes in the Ukrainian Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development.” Business Inform 8:28–33.

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