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Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
UDC 336.13.051
Portna O. V.
Financial Provision of Development of Human Potential as an Important Component of the Aggregate Financial Potential of Ukraine (p. 300 - 305)

The goal of the article lies in identification of the role and significance of human potential within the aggregate financial potential of Ukraine, deepening of the theoretical foundation of financial provision of development of human potential as a component of the aggregate financial potential of the country (AFPC), development of practical recommendations directed at increase of effectiveness of use and strengthening of AFPC with the help of financial provision of development of human potential, which would determine the ways and possibilities of strengthening of the said potentials with consideration of general tendencies and real possibilities. In the result of the study the article identifies a new vector of theoretical grounds and dominating logic of financial provision of human potential as a component of the aggregate financial potential of the country. It grounds the determining significance of development of human potential for strengthening the aggregate financial potential of the country. It offers a definition of the financial provision of human potential within the aggregate financial potential of the country as certain sources, volumes and forms of financing, which are taken in accordance with possible results of the most successful realisation of the said potentials, ensuring increase of their cost, revenue from functioning for achievement of positive socio-economic effects and development both individual subjects of economy and the country in general in the short-term and long-term run. Prospects of further studies in this direction is improvement of the grounds of analysis of interference of financial provision of development of human potential and aggregate financial potential of the country.
Keywords: aggregate financial potential of the country, human potential, financial provision
Bibl.: 11.

Portna Oksana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management and Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Portna, Oksana V. (2013) “Financial Provision of Development of Human Potential as an Important Component of the Aggregate Financial Potential of Ukraine.” Business Inform 8:300–305.

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