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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 658.5(075.8)
Karapeychyk I. M.
Specific Features of Influence of Parameters of the State of an Enterprise upon its Economic Potential in the Zone of Unprofitability (p. 261 - 269)

Presentation of enterprise potentials in the form of potential functions that express dependence of the size of potentials on parameters of the state of an enterprise and external environment of its functioning requires development of a qualitatively new methodologies and methodical approaches to the measured potentials. The article considers methodical aspects of building and analysis of potential functions and also results of approbation of the proposed approach using the example of the study of dependence of economic potential of a model industrial enterprise on the state of the enterprise under conditions of profitable functioning in the zone of unprofitability. It shows that the task of measurement of economic potential is, actually, equal to the task of parametric programming of a certain structure, and an effective instrument of analysis of relevant potential functions could be a method of statistical tests of the mathematical model of an enterprise of the optimised type, the level of potential and balanced behaviour of which are functions of parameters of the state of the enterprise and external environment. Using the offered method the article conducts, for specific numeric models of the enterprise, a partial tabulation of the potential function that corresponds with the economic potential of the enterprise, which functions under favourable conditions and under conditions of unprofitability. Using the methods of correlation and regression analysis the article reveals at the quantitative level a significantly different character of influence of parameters of the state of the enterprise upon the value of economic potential of regularity in the zones of profitability and unprofitability and also identifies critical factors of the state of the enterprise, impact on which could facilitate increase of the enterprise potential.
Keywords: enterprise, economic potential, zone of unprofitability, mathematical model
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 6. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 23.

Karapeychyk Ihor M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), General Director, PJSC «Azovmash» (1 Mashynobudіvnykіv Square, Mariupol, 87535, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Karapeychyk, Ihor M. (2013) “Specific Features of Influence of Parameters of the State of an Enterprise upon its Economic Potential in the Zone of Unprofitability.” Business Inform 8:261–269.

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