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Section: Innovative Processes
UDC 658:330.341.1
Plakhotnik O. О.
The Methodological Foundations of the Economic Evaluation of the Level of Intensification of the Innovative Processes at Industrial Enterprise in the Part of Technical-Technological Subsystem (p. 88 - 94)

Regularities of technocratic changes define the change of technological methods of production and technological modes at the level of the stages of development of a production enterprise. An important role occupies the commercialization of technical-technological innovation. The article allocates the directions of impact on commodity markets and the production enterprises, which are operating there. It is using the exclusive rights tool will meet the challenges of changes in the structure of the national economy so as to increase the level of its competitiveness on the world market. The article proposes the improved methodological approach to forming a system of analytical indicators for evaluating the economic efficiency of the level of intensification of the technical-technological innovation processes at industrial enterprise, based on reasonable conditions and factors of innovation development of industrial enterprise, models of quantitative measuring the efficiency of innovative projects. Applying this approach would improve the efficiency of use of the technical-technological innovations of the industrial enterprises, having increased the profitability of intellectual activity.
Keywords: innovation activity, technical-technological innovations, innovation project, methods for evaluation of efficiency of innovation activity, economic impact, innovative investments payback period, rentability.
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 10.

Plakhotnik Olena О. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Organization of Production, Dnipro State Technical University (2 Dniprobudivska Str., Kamianske Dnipropetrovsk region, 51918, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Plakhotnik, Olena О. (2017) “The Methodological Foundations of the Economic Evaluation of the Level of Intensification of the Innovative Processes at Industrial Enterprise in the Part of Technical-Technological Subsystem.” Business Inform 4:88–94.

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